WWC Mint Chip Plesiastrea Coral

29 $

WWC Mint Chip Plesiastrea

Quick Stats

  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Coral Type: LPS (Large Polyp Stony)
  • Lighting Requirement: Low to Medium (75-250 PAR)
  • Flow: Moderate
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Placement: Rockwork
  • Approximate Purchase Size: 3/4″


The WWC Mint Chip Plesiastrea is a captivating LPS coral with bright neon green polyps and contrasting darker centers, creating a stunning visual effect. This peaceful encrusting coral thrives in low to medium light, making it an excellent addition to any reef tank.

Note: This is not a WYSIWYG listing. The photo represents the shape, size, and color of the coral you will receive.

Water Parameters

  • Specific Gravity (Salinity): 1.025-1.026
  • Temperature: 75-78°F
  • pH: 8.1-8.4
  • Alkalinity: 8-9.5 dKH
  • Calcium: 400-450 ppm
  • Magnesium: 1300-1450 ppm
  • Nitrate (NO3): 10-25 ppm
  • Phosphate: 0.01-0.1 ppm
  • Nitrite (NO2): Undetectable
  • Ammonia (NH3): Undetectable

Lighting Requirements

Prefers low to medium light (75-250 PAR). Gradual acclimation to higher light levels is recommended to avoid stress. A PAR meter can help fine-tune light levels in mixed reef tanks, ensuring optimal conditions for all corals.

Ideal Tank Placement

Place in areas with moderate water flow, avoiding turbulent currents, and allowing room for growth and encrustation.

Water Flow Requirements

Moderate water flow is ideal to gently shift the coral’s polyps without direct blasts, helping prevent debris accumulation.

Aggressiveness and Compatibility

Provide ample space for growth as this coral may compete with others it contacts.

Feeding and Nutrition

Primarily relies on photosynthesis but benefits from occasional target feedings with coral foods like Reef Chili and amino acids such as CoralAmino for enhanced growth and coloration.

Growth Rate and Pattern

Steady growth determined by the surface over which it encrusts.

Acclimation Process

Acclimation is crucial for corals to adjust to new environments. Refer to the Coral Acclimation Guide for a detailed process.

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